1st Annual Redlands Zombie Walk
To celebrate Zombie Love Day and the release of the new zombie anthology First Time Dead, We are attempting a zombie walk from the East parking lot of Redlands Mall (CVS) up State St to 7th and turn North to the shared parking lot of Burger Town and Katz Alley Bookstore.
There, Dave Minyard, the author who’s story “As I Watch Her Walk Away…” is included in First Time Dead, will be signing books and available for pictures along with all the undead milling about.
It is free to attend the walk and Dave Minyard will be signing books for free with purchase.
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: redlandszombiewalk@hotmail.com
“These are the tentative plans at this time. All plans subject to change”
Check the event page on Facebook
Forbidden Panel will be trying to help David Minyard promote this as well as asking for anyone willing to dress as ZKS members join us so we can escort the Zombie Hordes down the streets of Redlands, CA. We wouldn’t want any innocent people getting bit on accident.