An Open Source Gaming Console Built by Gamers for Gamers on Kickstarter!
Game Consoles Worldwide have created a prototype of an amazing throwback handheld game console with free open source games from long ago that we all know and love.
Check out this Kickstarter and donate it you feel led. They have 12 more days to go to raise the $130,000 goal in which they have %59 579 so far.
They are developing the GCW Zero, a handheld console built around the Ingenic JZ4770 1 GHz MIPS processor. It is powerful enough to run classic PC games, emulate the game consoles we grew up with and run homebrew games seamlessly at high frame rates. The GCW Zero gives you full control of your handheld. Install any application you want to run, change the operating system in any way you want. Because the Zero runs Linux, a huge library of excellent, free, open source software can run on it.
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