Author: AJ

AJ Herrera: Founder, Podcast Host, Writer. In 2005 AJ took his love of writing and creating to a whole new level and founded Forbidden Panel. Since then he has managed to surround himself with some of the best artists and creative minded people in the world. He is the creator of the books ZKS: Zombie Kill Squad, Forbidden Tales, Subject 242, as well as the mastermind behind The IE Comic Expo, and the IE Zombie Beauty Pageant. He is currently writing the web comic “Lunch Break” with Jimmy Purcell and his weird meta web comic, “I Can’t Draw”.

Inland Empire Comic Expo

Come join us on Feb 6th, 2011 for the Inland Empire Comic Expo. A convention filled with Comic Book creators and Vendors from all over....

Inland Empire Comic Expo Exclusive #6

“Rancid Visions: Chris Man” This Sunday at the Inland Empire Comic Expo we will have a series of six mini posters (11×17) for sale featuring...

Inland Empire Comic Expo Exclusive #5

“Rancid Visions: Justin White” This Sunday at the Inland Empire Comic Expo we will have a series of six mini posters (11×17) for sale featuring...

NGP Debut

More IGN PlayStation NGP Playlist Videos...

Locke & Key casts its final character

Deadline reports that after an exhaustive search, actor-singer Jesse McCartney just landed the final role on Fox’s drama pilot Locke & Key. He will play Ty,...

Inland Empire Comic Expo Exclusive #4

“Ranci Visions: John Narcomey” This Sunday at the Inland Empire Comic Expo we will have a series of six mini posters (11×17) for sale featuring...