Horror Film Countdown Day 9 – Movies Anxious Parents Should Avoid
Welcome to our countdown to the most anxiety-inducing horror films for parents! Today is day nine.
Each day, we are covering the films I both love and hate because they’re awesome and they give me panic attacks now that I’m a mom.
The movie of the day is a personal favorite in the theme of child horrors. By “favorite” I mean, a film that gave me nightmares and makes me anxious inside elevators.
Disclaimer: Trigger warnings are a given when you talk about horror, but I’m going to say it anyway. Many subjects covered by horror films are disturbing to parents in ways we can’t possibly understand and each is unique to the parent and his/her experiences. Tread carefully and know your limits. If this begins to be too much, there’s no shame in closing the window. Also, this post contains some spoilers throughout.
23. Dark Water

Is it a terrible thing to admit this movie is one of the reasons I needed to NOT live in an apartment after I got pregnant? I was already a little anxious in elevators, but this movie just kicked it up a notch and now that I have kids, anytime we are in one, they must hold my hand BEFORE we get in and DO NOT LET GO until we are outside and the doors are closed.
This movie is also the reason I will not buy either of my children a yellow raincoat because yellow raincoats are now reserved for creepy dead children with horrifying eyes and cold, dead hands that just want to be held…

But really now, what’s the deal with this movie? Are we truly afraid of water dripping from the ceiling? Do we actually fear ghost children in elevators? What does any of this have to do with anxiety relating to parenting our own children?
Well, just like all the rest, there is some dark reality to this terrible ghost story that inspires actual fear in a parent’s heart. The water is simply a symptom of the horror. It’s a beacon, a clue… it’s leading you to the truth of an actual, horrifying child death that could easily happen in real life. In fact, it HAS happened, more than once.
How many times have we heard of negligent teachers and care-givers, even parents, causing the needless deaths of their children? How many times have we heard about unsafe conditions in a place that has thought to be completely child-proof, even our homes? This film beautifully (and terrifyingly) showcases the issue of what could happen when your child wanders away while no one notices. The issues addressed by this movie are apathy in parenting, lackadaisical approaches to real-life dangers -such as water, as thoroughly discussed yesterday-, and abused/neglected children.
A child, trapped in a water reservoir, is trying desperately to reach out to someone for help. That cry for help is ignored. Once that child dies, she violently lashes out in anger at her untimely death and the neglect she experienced in life. Moral of the story; pay attention to your children. No really, just watch your kids. Love them, nurture them and make sure the people who watch them are doing their jobs and all the buildings are up to code. A little prevention and understanding goes a long way to prevent a lifetime of torment via water damage, drowning and terrifying ghosts.

On the subject of terrifying ghosts… As parents, we are supposed to be the ones who kill the closet monsters and save our babies from creatures hiding under the bed. But what happens when our attempts to do just that are exactly what makes those monsters stronger? Find out tomorrow!
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