Shots from the Studio #4
Hello and welcome to another segment of Shots from the Studio.
Today I would like to Spotlight one of my favorite bits of entertainment from 2023 and one of the artists responsible for it. The subject of today’s Spotlight is the Netflix original animated series Blue Eye Samurai.
It’s an eight episode series written by Michael Green, writer of the films Logan and Blade Runner 2049 and was definitely of my favorite things that I saw last year. Everything about it from the story, the character arcs, the animation, and the character design were just pitch perfect in my opinion.
And speaking of character design why don’t I mention one of the people behind that. The artist’s name is Brian Kensinger and I met him a few years ago at WonderCon and it instantly fell in love with his art. He’s got a great cartoony style that is at the same time simple but just enough detail to make it interesting. When I first saw the trailer for Blue Eye Samurai I did not know he was attached to it but following his page on Facebook, the Art of Brian Kesinger, I soon realized that he was responsible for a good deal of the character design.
Attached are some of his illustrations showing the different aspects of the design for the show including several of the main characters in proportion to each other which I find really interesting as well as the trailer. If you haven’t watched it yet I highly recommend it. It’s definitely not for children but I believe adults will find great story, great art, and lots of emotional ups and downs. Episode 5 in particular is extremely well crafted with tons of great action and an emotional wallop that left me thinking about it for days afterwards.

Hope you all enjoy what I’ve shared with you this week and I will see you next week here in the studio.
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