Spooky Movie Month Day #17 – DreamWorks Spooky Stories
October 17
October 17th was a Tuesday and for mom, that means Master Chorale rehearsal! Click here if you want info on this epic and timely performance coming up!
While Lion and I were gone, Dad and Dragon didn’t want to watch something we’d never seen, so instead, they watched an old standard. This is one Dragon loves and has become part of our Halloween traditions since they were tiny, so I thought it bared mentioning:
DreamWorks Spooky Stories!

Originally released in 2009, the original DreamWorks Spooky Movie stories is a collection of three scary tales for kids. Scared Shrekless, The Ghost of Lord Farquaad and Monsters vs. Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space. Each character was resurrected with the original voice actors from their respective movies, as well as much of the crew and writing teams, which made it feel familiar and safe with their own clever take on Halloween.
Scared Shrekless is a classic “horror film set up” with friends around a low-lit table all trying to scare one another with tales of horror. This one gives us three extra stories in one as each friend has a spooky tale to share! When Dragon was small, we had to skip Gingy’s story about having the girl of his dreams baked for him by the Muffin Man in “Scared Shrekless”. Now they can watch it, but the sweet “perfect girl” turned zombified-psycho-stalking-gingerbread-girlfriend-of-doom was way too much for a tiny kid. It wasn’t till they were old enough to realize the girlfriend was voiced by the same actor as Mabel from Gravity Falls they started to warm up to it. Now, it’s a favorite in our house that gets watched all year. The fun part for the grown up’s is that all the stories are similar to familiar horror stories. Gingy’s tale is Frankenstein, Donkey and Puss’s story is Psycho and Piniccochio’s is The Exorcist.
The Ghost of Lord Farquaad is your standard issue ghost story about the ghost of an angry, villainous, dead king who is still in love with the princess he could never have in life, so he tries to murder the princess on her wedding night to make her his ghostly queen. Y’know, the usual.
The last of the three is my favorite and to this day, is STILL Dragon’s favorite, too; Monsters vs. Aliens Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space! This Halloween short is an lighthearted ride through a parody of all our favorite sci-fi creature features with all the details we love. Flying saucers leave a mysterious “goo” in a pumpkin patch that brings the pumpkins to life turning them into candy-eating monsters that get bigger and more ferocious with every bite! Our fearless heroes Ginormica, The Missing Link, Dr. Cockroach Ph.D., B.O.B. and Insectosaurus must save the night for all trick-or-treaters in Modesto! Full of fun references and easter eggs, this one is packed full of good fun for everyone! Dragon’s favorite was always the pumpkin monster. One year, we searched for an hour to find JUST the right pumpkin so he could carve it to look like “Wicked Jack”, complete with a green light.
This is always an “ALL thumbs up” movie and good for any occasion in our house!
We still have some catching up to do – stick around for what came next this week for us as we get the Mothership back on course!

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