Spooky Movie Month Day #21 – Gudetama
October 21st
We’re officially in “Halloween Crunch Time” – Halloween is 10 days away!
Costumes are being constructed and panted, props are being built and many, many trips the thrift store, Michaels, Joann’s and the 99c store have been made and many more will probably come in the coming days.
Like most moms this time of year, I seriously overextended myself and I’ve got THREE major events happening all at once:
27th – The Forbidden Panel Zombie Pageant
28th – The Inland Master Chorale Fall Concert dress rehearsal
29th – The IMC Fall Concert with orchestra and guest vocalists – (it’s gonna be amazing, please come!!)
30th – Seeing Five Nights at Freddy’s then finishing our costumes,
31st – Halloween!!
On top of daily movie watching then taking the time out to write about it and post it up here, trying to make this week happen has been a real nightmare (pun intended) and mama needs a vacation.
Today was visiting grandparents day, so we didn’t watch a spooky movie. Instead, Dragon introduced the weirdness of Gudetama An Eggcellent Adventure to my parents.

Not “spooky” but super weird and consistently, innocently morbid throughout, this show has been bending the minds of my children for the last year. With its soy-sauce guzzling, lazy, raw egg and and adorably overzealous chick on a mission, Gudetama takes us on a mind bending adventure to find their mommy (a random chicken they saw on the side if an egg carton). They escape the fridge, dodge sushi conveyers, political office, farmers, street drains, rotten eggs and so many other problems that might plague the tiny heroes. Throughout, they persevere, pass on actually educational information and tons of positive affirmations about life, struggle and what it’s all for as they fight to get out of the city and to the farm where their mommy lives.
Gudetama, which is a name that combines the two Japanese words for “lazy” and “egg”, is somehow as endearing as he is bizarre. He was originally created by a Sanrio designer in 2013 and quickly became a Sanrio mascot alongside Kirope, Kuromi, Hello Kitty and the rest of the gang. While he’s not “Halloween”, if you’re looking for a mind-bending, utterly strange and completely surreal show combining animation and live action, this may be the show for you!
Gudetama: An Excellent Adventure first appeared in 2022 and lasted one season with 10 episodes which are only about 10-15 minutes long at most, so you can get through the entire show in less time than most movies.
In all honesty, we actually love it. It’s somehow strangely peaceful and while that seems weird to say, you’ve got to see it to understand. This oddly calming show is pretty much a staple in our house for “pre-quiet time” show choices. The kids love it, 4 thumbs up, and even my parents liked it!
Tomorrow we will be at a family event all day and night, so we will not be doing a spooky movie, but we will resume our adventures when we can. Stay tuned and check back later next week for updates from The Mothership!

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