Animated “Spider-Man” To Be Miles Morales?
While the live-action Marvel films have gone with Peter Parker for a third time starting with this month’s “Captain America: Civil War,” it looks like the upcoming untitled animated “Spider-Man” movie at Sony Pictures is taking a different approach.
Heroic Hollywood reports that the Miles Morales version of the character will be the focus of the untitled animated Spider-Man movie to be written and produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. A director has yet to be set.
In the comics Miles is a young kid from Brooklyn visited his uncle Aaron, an uncle who had just broken into Oscorp industries and unknowingly carried the Oz forumla-enhanced spider in his bag. Bitten by the creature, Miles discovered he received super-human abilities like camouflage, increased agility, and stun blasts.
Right now, the working title for the movie is reportedly “Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man” with a December 21st 2018 release date still being targeted.