Month: July 2011

Goodbye Ultimate Spider-Man

Say what you will about the series but for me it’s been a favorite.  I liked the ultimate line because it gave characters a modern...

All kinds of busy.

Tomorrow, August 1st, will be a very busy day for Forbidden Panel.  It will be the first day in for the Z.K.S. Pinup contest part...

Stay Classy San Diego

For those of you who live under a rock, don’t watch the news, weren’t on Facebook or Twitter, or were stuck visiting with family, this...

“The Wolverine” Villain Is Revealed

From Dark Horizons Out doing the “Real Steel” truck event at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, Hugh Jackman revealed which character would be the villain...

“Afro Samurai” Goes Live-Action

The Indomina Group, Samuel L. Jackson and Gonzo Studios are teaming to produce a live action film based on the popular “Afro Samurai” animated series....

Moritz Producing Soviet-Themed “Red Star”

From Dark Horizons Warner Bros. Pictures is in negotiations to pick up Christian Gossett’s Soviet-themed sci-fi fantasy comic book series “The Red Star” which had...