A Man Called Kraken Vol. 1 – Comics by comiXology

Check out the newest book from our friends over at Raging Sombrero.   Some of the best art and writing I have seen in a long time.

A Man Called Kraken Vol. 1

Fifty years after the ULTRA WARS wiped out all but the most resilient hypersapians, only the most powerful and resolute survived. Among those, only the most brutal and cunning would lay claim to a funereal world without sunshine or love, a world of demi-gods and Acheronian super-thugs. And among these, none were more tenacious, more dangersome, or more savage than a MAN CALLED KRAKEN! Half flesh and blood! Half god-thing! All man!

Join this vicious meta-hooligan as he wanders the broken back of a blasted world in search of the one fella who can set things right…the enigmatic Professor Whiz!

A thrilling digital-first experience that’s more than a web-comic…it’s pure visual dynamite guaranteed to blow your eye balls out the back of your head and send them bouncing around the room like little rubber balls filled with nitroglycerin, exploding everything they hit!
Enter a world where supernauts pummel each other for domination of the planet and none pummels harder than A MAN CALLED KRAKEN!

Only on Comixology!!!

Source: A Man Called Kraken Vol. 1 – Comics by comiXology