Category: AJ’s Side Panel

AJ’s spoiler free movie reviews covering films released that week.

Wondercon 2013

So this past weekend was Wondercon.  You are going to see a lot of different reviews and news coming from the show and I thought...

Get Your Bethesda Gear Today!

Bethesda is excited to announce that the official Bethesda Store is now open! You can check out merchandise featuring our biggest franchises here: They’ll be...

The Inland Empire Etc.,

It’s been awhile since I have been on here.  Life has been, shall we say, busy. Running a company like FP is more than a...

Aurora, CO 7/20/2012 «

An act like this is absolutely appalling.  This individual had somehow in his mind decided that shooting a child point blank in the face was something that...

Been A Bit Busy

Here you are folks, 10 minutes of me rambling about what FP has been up to.  Please, ignore all the boring parts....

DMZ Review

Wow.  What can I say about this book.  Well let’s get the generalities out of the way first shall we. From Wiki DMZ is an American comic...

The Dark Knight Rises Prologue Review

Tonight, I had the opportunity to go see the new Dark Knight Prologue.  What this is, is an opportunity to see a 6 min clip...

Goodbye Ultimate Spider-Man

Say what you will about the series but for me it’s been a favorite.  I liked the ultimate line because it gave characters a modern...