Spooky Movie Month Day #1 – Mars Attacks
Our first official Spooky Movie Month viewing choice was Mars Attacks. ...
Spooky Movie Month 2023
Welcome to the Spooky Movie Month on the Mothership!...
MotherShip Review: Sonic The Hedgehog
My Quick First Impressions:Attention to detail – Obvious respect for fandomFantastic game references, some were extremely subtle and fun to findJim Carry is amazing as Doctor...
Laurie Strode; The Queen of Halloween
**Spoiler Alert** This is more of a “my thoughts” than a legit review. I am going to discuss specific plot points and giving away the...
Halloween Movie Countdown, Kid’s Edition – Week Three
Continuing our month into Halloween movies for kiddos, week three found us hovering around a timeless classic, a new love and two VERY kid-friendly Halloween...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Children’s Book?????
Stop the presses and hold the phones…. Guys… there’s a Buffy book for children and I am FLIPPING OUT right now!! You do NOT want...
Halloween Movie Countdown, Kid’s Edition – Week Two
Week two of our Halloween Movie Countdown comes to a close with some beautiful, spooky, thunderstormy (yes, I just made that word up) weather as...
Halloween Movie Countdown, Kid’s Edition – Week One
It’s time for our first review recap! It was a busy week of decorating, movie watching and getting our Halloween groove on. While watching our...
Halloween Countdown 2018… Kids Edition
So, it’s no secret; our family LOVES Halloween season. Check out what we’re doing this year to get our whole family into the haunted holiday...
Why Star Wars?
I’ve been asked, more than a few times over the last decade; “why Star Wars?” from people who just don’t get it. They either never...
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