Ready Player One Review
As you heard from AJ a few weeks back in episode 141 of the Panelcast, Ready Player One is the debut novel of Ernest Cline....
Episode #143
In this episode AJ and Anthony spend 30mins on discussing the latest news. Then, Anthony relentlessly grills AJ on his REAL experience at Comikaze!!! Please...
Attack on Titan Live Action Review
I recently had the opportunity to view the Attack on Titan Live Action film and I jumped at it. Before I go too far, I...
Episode #142
In this episode AJ and Anthony discuss the fiasco that was the Star Wars Episode 7 online ticket sales!! Also, Anthony regales us with his...
New York Comic Con 2015 Day 3
Saturday of New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2015 is officially in the books, and due to travel necessities, it will be my last day for...
New York Comic Con 2015 Day 2
Well, lads and lassies, day 2 of NYCC 2015 is all wrapped up. Since I managed to cover the entire exhibit hall yesterday, I was...
New York Comic Con 2015 Day 1
New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2015 kicked off today. Yes, I did make the long, long, long trip all the way to New York to...
Gangsta. (Anime) Review
So who’s moving with me to Ergastulum? Why wasn’t I born a Twilight? Right, none of that makes any sense to those of you who...
Episode #140
In this short episode AJ and Anthony review Dangerkatt’s newest release BLOODWORTH #0!!! Also, we catch you up on some news and what not!! ...
Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Review
The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) is Bethesda Software’s first foray into the massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (mmorpg) genre. It lands players squarely into the familiar...
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