Official 2014 Inland Zombie Revival Guide
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Sure, everyone is beautiful … even zombies?
Want to look like the ghoul of your dreams? Here are some makeup tips from Andrea LaBartunek, past contestant in Forbidden Panel’s annual Inland Empire Zombie Beauty Pageant.
• First, make the call: Are you a freshly turned zombie – or a more, er, world-weary flesh-hungry beast? “A newer zombie requires bloody wounds,” LaBartunek said. Use plenty of purple and black makeup to create bruising. Need faux blood? You can’t drive three blocks this time of year without seeing a Halloween storefront where you can buy a new tube of goo.
• More experienced zombie? Gotta get crusty. Use liquid latex to create gashes, LaBartunek says, and aim for a dry and dusty appearance.
• Sweat the work-a-day details. “If you were bitten at work, use work attire and drag clothing through the dirt or street to create a filthy look,” she said.
• The eyes have it. “I wear white contacts for a creepier appearance,” she said.
Forbidden Panel’s pageant is on hiatus this year as leaders resolve venue challenges. They vow to return next year.
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Official 2014 Inland Zombie Revival Guide – Press Enterprise.