Shots from the Studio #1

Shots from the Studio

Hello there. My name is Justin White and I am an illustrator and graphic designer here at Forbidden Panel. You may have seen my work on various ZKS titles, Forbidden Tales, and assorted advertisements, pinups, and covers. And if you’ve visited our booth at a convention we’ve probably met.

During one of our recent meetings are editor, AJ, suggested that we start posting on a regular basis things that we thought would be of interest to the fans. So on Mondays I’ll be posting a short piece that I’m calling “Shots from the Studio”. It may include some of my art and writing or any number of random art, stories, music or whatever is inspiring me at the moment.

My first contribution to this weekly segment is the creative process for the cover of Forbidden Tales #2 . The attached photos show my model reference featuring our long time collaborator Rosie Neuharth, the original pencil drawing, the final acrylic painting, and the actual cover of the comic. I hope you enjoy this little behind the scenes presentation of my work on this issues cover.