By Martin Bright
The last day of WonderCon 2013 was bittersweet. It was a huge weekend for the show however fatigue was starting to show. But that did not stop fans from showing up, especially with the likes of Joss Whedon, Clark Gregg and Nathan Fillion due to be on site. Per the norm, Sunday was a day to wind down and hunt for deals on the exhibit hall floor and attend the last few panels before calling it “a Con.”

The Arena was the major venue of the day with MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING by Joss Whedon, The Nerdist crew, the cast of ARROW, a repeat screening of Doctor Who and a showing of another famous Whedon project, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. As any seasoned-attendee can imagine, the lines were intense for the Arena. Unfortunately Nathan Fillion was unable to make it due to illness, but Whedon and Gregg were sure to fill in the gap. Whedon brought footage of the amazing adaption of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. The film will use Shakespeare’s script with Whedon’s filmmaking skills and his friends as the cast. MUCH ADO will hit theaters this summer. Many fans exited after the MUCH ADO panel and headed for other panels. There were panels on “Star Wars in Comics” table top gaming, The Art of CAPCOM, a “re-panel” of DC Comics’ All Access panel for those that missed it on Friday, and not to be forgotten, the debut of the LEGO BATMAN animated movie. During the DC panel it was revealed that Raven would be returning to the NEW DC 52 Teen Titans series with a slightly different background and outlook. Jimmy Palmiotti mentioned that Booster Gold will be coming to All-Star Western to work with Jonah Hex in “the most bizarre comic you’ve read in years.” From DC Comics to DC Animated movies, the next panel was the screening of the LEGO BATMAN movie. The recent videogame, LEGO Batman 2 hit shelves last year. The film is actually what the game was based off of but took longer to produce for sale. Imagine all the video clips from the game put together in an ongoing movie and you have this new release from Warner Bros. Made on the same platform as the one that the game play was designed on, the movie flows very well and is relatable to new and regular fans of all ages. There are throwbacks to the Tim Burton Batman films and soundtrack and the Christopher Reeve Superman ones as well. The movie will be available May 21, 2013 and the cast and director are hoping to get to make a sequel.

The Exhibit Hall closed at 5pm on Sunday and fans soaked up every last possible minute they could to get deals on merchandise, artwork and SWAG. Crowds were definitely down from Saturday and many more families were in attendance. Though a shorter day, the efforts to put on a great show by Comic Con International were just as big as any of their other shows. Attendees were outside talking and taking pictures with each other for a couple hours as vendors packed up inside to close out WonderCon 2013. Whether the show returns to Anaheim or not in 2014, WonderCon definitely made its mark in Souther California this year.
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