Zombie Pinup Calendar Announcement
When you picture yourself as a Zombie, which month did you turn? Are you a winter, spring, summer or the favorite of all Zombies Fall? Now is your chance to show the world what you will look like when the zombie apocalypse finally happens. Join Forbidden Panel in creating a Zombie Pinup calendar nobody will forget.
Are you going to be sharing the Zombie Love in February and serving brains on a platter to your love or celebrating Independence Day chasing the crowds watching fireworks? In October will you be the Zombie teaching your ways to the newly turned? Use your imagination in creating your version of a Zombie Pin up for each month of the year. Who will be chosen, no one knows, but we are dying to find out.

To be considered for Calendar submission you must be 16/17 years old with parents’ permission or older. Please provide a Headshot, preferred month and a short statement about why you want to be included in the Zombie Pinup Calendar. The headshot does not need to be professionally done nor does it need to have you in zombie makeup. It is just being used to accompany the information provided so that we know who you are and are able to put a face to the name. Submissions will need to be received no later than June 21st to be considered for the 2022 calendar. Pinups will be given the choice of either doing their own make up or having one of our Forbidden Panel FX artists provide it for them.
Shooting for the calendar will take place between July 15th and Aug 15th of 2021.
Forbidden Panel appreciates everyone under the Rainbow, so long as that Rainbow is dipped in blood. Everyone is welcome to send in a submission.
All Submissions can be sent to forbiddenpanel@gmail.com
For additional information contact us through our Facebook or Instagram pages.
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