Forbidden Panel’s Month-End Review

Convention season is in full swing and Forbidden Panel is right where we want to be: right in the middle of it! We received a wonderful response from old and new fans welcoming us back to Wonder Con in Anaheim this year. AJ Herrera and crew introduced several new books, as well as creating a new fan base for our existing titles.

On Friday night after a full first day at the convention, we had our annual Wonder Con company dinner.  The food was terrific and the company was even better. Our friends and family showed up to hang out, talk about the day, and make plans for the rest of the weekend.

There were many highlights to the first convention of the season that included Forbidden Panel. These included admiring the many, amazing cosplayers wandering around the convention center, meeting and sharing our books with popular celebrities, and for me (Andrea), it was attending the Lucifer Panel on Sunday.

April was a busy month for us that also included our 24-hour Create Something Day. “Create Something Day” has become a way for members of Forbidden Panel, as well as other artists and creators, to come together and work on their projects over a 24-hour period. It’s a fun a way to finish projects, visit with like minded individuals and at times catch up on your favorite movies. Check our Facebook page for the next one!

Stay tuned for our coming events, as May is going to be another exciting month for us. We can’t wait to share it with all of you!

For any additional information about upcoming events or press releases, contact Andrea at

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